1. 工作上需接觸 Own Brand、OEM/ODM之客戶
2. 需具備外向積極之工作態度
3. 需經常性使用英文作為工作語言
4. 培訓後赴美加參與Seminar 、零組件協會會議
5. 若意願和能力皆受肯定,提供派駐美加工作機會
Working Skill Needed:
-Communicate with customers about product specification and understand customer requirements and design the suitable proposal.
-Early involvement in customer concept design and provide quick feedback and suggestions to customer.
-Communicate with back end design team and factory, review the DFM report, communicate with customers about the DFM report and get the design approval from customer.
-Review FAI, ET test report, build report with AQP, back end engineer and discussion with customers.
-Review with customer about the sample quality and design issue and forward to factory.
-Demonstrate new technology and design guideline to customer.
-Any other technical communications with customer.
-Any other technical supports to customer.